Bookers Book Club

May Meet

Ladies and gentlemen,

That time of month has slowly, slowly worked its way around again. We’re late, well late. But better late than never.

The details for Back Door Bookers meet #39 are as follows:

·         The book is George Orwell’s 1984. Make sure you read it. It’s good.
·         We’re meeting at Meg’s sweet pad, Church Street, Richmond. Above Pearl restaurant and the last building before the Church Street Bridge. Ring the bell for 704. Meg will be ready and waiting. Me too, no doubt.
·         The date, it’s May 10. Which makes it a Thursday.
·         Let’s say 7pm.

Sound good?

Who is in?

After our Xmas break we'll resume with The Great Gatsby. Classic. At Ria's new pad.

Next book on the agenda will be Marieke Hardy’s ‘You’ll be sorry when I’m dead’.

It’s new. It’s by a Melbourne lass. And it should be a real hoot. Yes.
Also, The Slap starts this week and Ange is opening her Nicholson Street apartment door to anyone who wants to watch the first episode with her. We’re going to order pizzas. This will be fun.

Back Door Bookers, good afternoon and fantastic weather today.

Next up we’ll be contemplating a coming-of-age, suburban-style narrative by brilliant, brilliant thespian and Rugby League lover, Brendan Cowell.
His debut novel, some-will-say autobiography, How it Feels, spans 12 hours of partying which changes lives forever and kicks in a decade later when lives are again, about to change forever. .

Reviews suggest it’s “an uncomfortable read”, “sucks out your soul”, is “blackly comic”, an eyepiece into the “suburban masculine psyche”, and very “truthful”.

I’m yet to read it, but reports suggest it’s ripping (Sharnee), street (Ria) and blatant proof misogyny is alive and well in the ‘burbs (Stephanie).

Get reading and looking forward to sharing.
Deets are:
May 13, Friday, Jen and Kelly’s Sydney-Road-just-off pad (Kimberley I promise I won’t forget you this time)

Ladies, a big holler and hell yeah to the New Year and book club open season.

We have big things in store this year, starting with the addition of two new members and one semi-new member: Amber ‘Knoppy’ Knopp, Jade ‘Jada’ O’Connor (whose email We don’t have and who is on probation for her pole-dancing and tassle suggestions) and Vanessa ‘Little One’ Avila.

Open season kicks off with a big boot and bitey de-butt (in the style of Jessica ‘I am stupid and cannot read’ Mauboy – too harsh?) from Steve Toltz: A Fraction of the Whole.

It’s a hefty tome and We’re off on holidays in February, so We are thinking late in the Valentine month and loosely Friday 18 or 25. Thoughts and availability please.

From here, we’re delving into the psyche of the modern Australian with The Slap (Christos Tsoilkas) firstly, followed by How it Feels (Brendan ‘Breathtaking’ Cowell).

Sound good?

We think so.

Peace and good will ladies,

Sheena ‘Queen’ and lately, ‘Rockstar’ Coffey

15th Nov
Ladies, ladies, ladies,

I’ve got a very exciting book list for the new year.
Quickly and first, some bookkeeping (Sheena, too much):
*Red Tent, Thurs Dec 2, Yarra, from half-six
*Then, in the New Year, we’ll kick off with A Fraction of the Whole, Steve Toltz

This last novel will herald a different focus for the Back Door Bookers for the New Year. Recently, a member, named after a monster of the seas, referred to the female bias in both book selection and discussion at our Glorious Meets (she called us “man haters”). So, Sharks, because of this, we’re having a run-through of the male psyche in the New Year, kicking off with A Fraction of the Whole and then:

*The Slap, Christos Tsoilkas
* How it Feels, Brendan Cowell

Tsoilkas on Cowell’s de-butt (thanks Jess Mauboy) novel: “How it Feels is a lacerating, blackly comic novel about the suburban masculine psyche; but it also extends a warmth and understanding to contemporary society that confronted my prejudices and forced me to look at the world anew. Cowell’s voice is truthful, without any condescension. A smashing novel; urgent, challenging and humane.”

Phew, can’t, can’t wait.

And some final book-keeping before The Red Tent/Christmas Booker farewell: READ THE BOOK. That’s why we’re meeting. That’s the whole point. We’re a Book Club. Comprehende?

Happy Monday. I had a haircut.
Over and out.

15th Sept
Ladeez and ladeez, after a very successful and off course Bookers meeting, We feel it is time to get back on track and thankfully We have a Coetzee classic and award-winner and cultural clash in store - Disgrace.
We need a venue though and if anyone has a home or suggestion where to hold the next Meet, please advise us so.
Otherwise and with further ado, let's get pages turning and minds working for October 15, 7pm, where - yet to be confirmed.
We're changing course on the program from here and will jump to the amaze-balls The Red Tent, Anita Diamant and then Steve Holtz's A Fraction of the Whole.
Over and out Sisters.
Queen S

July 2010

Hello Bookers and welcome to my blog.
Will be asking Queen S to put up current book club news and pass on this blogsite to you all.
Keep booking,