Sunday, July 24, 2011


I finished my ten day placement at the State Library of Victoria and feel like I now have a greater understanding of the world of resource and information organisation. It was good to be away from a school learning environment and mixing with other library professionals. There is such a variety of employment opportunities in this industry. I was delighted to be a part of the Learning Services Division and contributing to their work.

This week I begin Bibliographic standards in education. I've just finished module one focusing on the need for information oganisation and now I'm starting module two on information retrieval tools. It's all fairly practical learning. I would like to do some cataloguing in my school library to put new skills into practice.

The main learning I have experienced thus far is that we need information organisation to ensure we can access effectively and efficiently information.

Saturday, July 9, 2011


My ICT learning development continued in leaps and bounds this week when I did a bit of online tutorial work through Dr. Helen C. Barrett’s online modules that covered much content on everything I needed to know Web 2.0 wise.
Barrett’s step by step guide links to audio and video clips and was without unnecessary ICT jargon. They really assisted my understanding, I have even started using delicious bookmarking and RSS feeds! After completing the preparation work I then chose a web creation tool and developed my e-portfolio, which I am feeling fairly impressed with. I used Weebly to create the website. It was so simple to use and the end result looks really professional. I still have a bit of content to write and upload and will hopefully get to that over the weekend. Check out my portfolio at