Saturday, July 9, 2011


My ICT learning development continued in leaps and bounds this week when I did a bit of online tutorial work through Dr. Helen C. Barrett’s online modules that covered much content on everything I needed to know Web 2.0 wise.
Barrett’s step by step guide links to audio and video clips and was without unnecessary ICT jargon. They really assisted my understanding, I have even started using delicious bookmarking and RSS feeds! After completing the preparation work I then chose a web creation tool and developed my e-portfolio, which I am feeling fairly impressed with. I used Weebly to create the website. It was so simple to use and the end result looks really professional. I still have a bit of content to write and upload and will hopefully get to that over the weekend. Check out my portfolio at

1 comment:

  1. Ria, your portfolio is excellent. Well done.
    Why are you doing another masters course?????? I am just trying to recover from the library one.
