Sunday, August 1, 2010

Topic 3

After doing the research and readings on resource based learning (RBL) it has become clear to me that a lot of practices teachers have are RBL or close to RBL. Some steps are accomplished, some parts of the process occur, but often not all. I think the problem teachers are facing is in allowing time for students to really become engaged by topics and complete the research. There is a tendancy to instruct in an attempt to inform learners as they may run short of time. This is where the teacher librarian (TL) needs to be active. They can assist the teacher to ensure all students have the opportunity to become engaged in RBL. It is essential that there is collaboration in the planning process to ensure TL and teacher are working towards common goals, and if possible TL opportunity to be present and active throughout the research time to assist the teacher to reach all students in facilitating their research. Thorough preparation and planning will assist in ensuring learning opportunities are not wasted.

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